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First event for medium format camera


New Member
Hi everyhassy,

There is the first event special made for mediums format cameras at Paris (France) the next month on friday 20 june from 14h - 19h and saturday 21 june from 10h - 18h where all the greatest are there; ALPA, CONTAX, FUJI, HASSELBLAD of course, MAMIYA, PENTAX, ROLLEI... . "FREE ENTRY".Everybody welcome.
For 25000€ prices to win!!!

This event is special dedicated to the 120 rollfilm cameras. There are material to test and a great source of information.

WHERE? ---> STUDIO PIN UP, 23, Avenue Jean Moulin, 75014 Paris.

Information pick up from my monthly mag; "Réponse Photo", Great mag!.Thanks to they.