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Going Digital


New Member
I've been using a 500C and CM for a while and am thinking of going digital. Other than dropping $14K on a 50 mp digital back what other options are there?
There are a number of older backs which can be adapted to the 500 series, starting with the Imacon Ixpress 528C 22MP Multishot (Ed has one for sale - see classifieds), various Leaf / Phase one backs to the dedicated CFV-16's.
None of these will cost us much as the 50 MP back.
Digital back for 500CM

A 50MP (CFV-50) digital back for a 500/200 Series Camera does not make much sense , when your biggest prints are maximum 30x40cm or A3 in size . Your printer can not print all image information and what you see on your screen .
There are good CFV-39 on the used market for around 6k-7k€ .
As Jotloob has both the cfv-39 and cfv-50, as well as a fine collection of HB and ALPA cameras, I would hazard a guess that he is commenting from experience.

From my own, view, I rarely print larger than 8x10" to A3 - for the simple reason that I do not have adequate space.

Doesn't mean that I wouldn't like a CFV-50!