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Hello from Virginia


New Member
I am a long time photographer. I shot so many tri-X f I see light in 400asa. I have been shooting nikon since I went digital as well as a canon r5. I will say my last experience with anything larger was 4x5 and a rolli 220. I am looking to make the jump to a mirrorless MF system for portraits and landscapes and some night photography. I felt 45 mpX on a 35mm body was enough and now they are pushing 60. I want the dynamic range and color depth and a bigger sensor. I am thinking mirrorless but it is not a final answer. I shoot in my studio as well as on location.
I am a long time photographer. I shot so many tri-X f I see light in 400asa. I have been shooting nikon since I went digital as well as a canon r5. I will say my last experience with anything larger was 4x5 and a rolli 220. I am looking to make the jump to a mirrorless MF system for portraits and landscapes and some night photography. I felt 45 mpX on a 35mm body was enough and now they are pushing 60. I want the dynamic range and color depth and a bigger sensor. I am thinking mirrorless but it is not a final answer. I shoot in my studio as well as on location.
@ Tinstafl
I can't speek for phase one products .
If you want to go mirroless in MF , there are actually only HASSELBLAD and FUJI products of interest .
Both companies have 50MP and 100MP models and a number of very good lenses .
Please have a look for these products .
@ Tinstafl
I can't speek for phase one products .
If you want to go mirroless in MF , there are actually only HASSELBLAD and FUJI products of interest .
Both companies have 50MP and 100MP models and a number of very good lenses .
Please have a look for these products .
When you come closer to your decision , MF mirrorless or MF , like ALPA , CAMBO or ARCASWISS , come back and you will surely get help or advice here .
I too have been shooting MF for some time (over 5 decades) and shoot a variety of film and digital nowadays as a hobbyist. I have been using a Fuji GFX 50S mirrorless camera for about 18 months now and I can only offer praise to it - if it had in-camera IS it would be perfect but the updated version does offer this and of course there's the 100Mp GFX camera as well. Dynamic range is simply stunning and the lenses are superb. I can't speak to the Hassy mirrorless cameras but they too appear to have a dedicated following and also produce great results. For what it's worth, my suggestion would be go to a top camera retailer and see if you can try (or hire) one - I'm pretty confident that either the Fuji or Hasselblad will meet your needs.

By way of illustration of the quality of the Fuji's sensor, I've attached a photo which shows it nicely. The image on the left is the full frame but already I've lightened it by 2 full stops as I couldn't be sure there was anything viable on the original. I'd been shooting in manual mode and when the flash of red from the robin appeared I just pointed the camera and clicked (just in time as the bird flew away immediately). I than cursed myself for having taken the shot with the wrong settings. The image on the right is that robin, almost invisible in the 11.3Mb original image, slightly visible in the 2-stop lightened image shown here and then with the crop, the amazing colour and detail captured by the Fuji's sensor is revealed.

It's embarrassing to admit to such a basic mistake (in my defence, I'd have missed the bird if I'd changed settings first) but it does speak to the quality of the Fuji GFX 50S. I wish I could afford the 100Mp model...
GFX50S user error Robin recovery .jpg
Thank you for the information. I am going to try both of them and see which I like better. I kind of ,omitted to the Fuji and Hassy myself In my initial research.