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Hello to all

9000 Kelvin

New Member
I am Marcus from South Germany
More or less active as a hobby photographer with a wonderful Hassi 500 cm, 3 huge and heavy Zeiss lenses and a tripod.
Landscape photography is that what I do with this heavy tools. I prefer bw-photography, but there are still some 400er-Portras in my fridge.
I will use them in May, a trip to Italy is planed.
Some years ago I developed black and white films by myself and later I spent a lot of nights in the darkroom.
In the meantime I became a bit lazy and so my films travel through germany into a lab and they return me downloadfiles, negatives and pictures.
I fight with myself if I not celebrate a comeback with shaking chemicals and enjoy red lights.

For the digital photography I use a M-Leica with 3 small lenses. Better for my shoulders, my neck and my back.

Now I will explore this forum and I hope to find some nice pics and answers to my questions.