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How to upload images

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How to upload images in a posting in the forum?

You can do it in two different ways. Either you embed an image from an external server (more about that later) or you upload it with the upload functionality on our server.

If you want to upload it here, click on "attach files" below the textbox here in the forum

With our new forum-design it looks like this at the moment:


Attention: The upload limit restrictions in KB and pixel size on the longest side my vary over the time.

At the moment there is a file size maximum of 4 MB. BUT the software will automatically resize/compress the image to 1600 pixel on the longest side. It will use lossy compression.

My advise: If you want to have the best image quality, resize the image in your favorite image editing software to smaller than the value where the "resize" function kicks in (atm 1600 pixel) and save with highest level (JPEG lossless). If you want to have larger than 1600 pixel, upload to flickr et alii and link here.

2. Choose in the next pop-up window the photo/photos on your PC you want to upload here

3. After uploading one or more photos, put the curser of your mouse on the spot within your posting where the specific image shall be displayed within your posting

4. After that click first on the desired image on "Insert...", then on "full image" to display the full image on that spot or "thumbnail" to show it first smaller and only by clicking on it to see it larger. See screenshot below.


Now your images will be displayed at the spot you put the cursor beforehand in your posting.

Make sure that you put enough space (press return key twice) between different images or between image and text, so that it looks good.


You can change afterwards still the location within your text. Just "cut" the code "Attachment" and "paste" that code in a different place within you posting.

That's all.

Enjoy it!
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B. Embed your images from external sources

embedding an image was tested so far with pbase, and Flickr. If you are interested in more external sources, please ask for this in the help section.

The advantage of embedded images is, that you have no file size restrictions and you can use the same external hoster you always used.

1. Flickr

(You need to do this either from your desktop/laptop or you need to enable on your smartphone the desktop modus. Otherwise the mentioned tab "BBCode" will not appear.)
  1. Click on Share,
  2. Click on the Tab "BBcode"
  3. Choose via dropdown menu as size "original" (at the bottom)
  4. Copy the generated code
  5. Paste that code in textbox directly (do not click any image icon beforehand)
  6. Add the text you want to or make the same procedure for a second image below the first one
  7. Click on "post reply"

Attention: If you use a smaller size than "original", the EXIF data will not be displayed with the browser addon "Exify"








2. PBase

Same here. Please use size "original", otherwise the EXIF data will not be visible

  1. Click on Original,
  2. Right-click with your mouse on the image
  3. Choose via pop-up menu "Copy image link" (not the other copy link above)
  4. Go to the textbox, click on the image icon (Insert image/ CTRL+P)
  5. Click on the tab with the "chain"
  6. Paste the copied image link in the field
  7. Click on "Insert"
  8. Add the text you want to or make the same procedure for a second image below the first one
  9. Click on "post reply"








3. Smugmug

With Smugmug it works similar to Flickr. With the BBCode.

  1. Click on Share on the left
  2. In the share menu, click on the tab "Embed"
  3. Choose your desired photo size
  4. Click on the tab BBCode next to HTML
  5. Click at the bottom on the green button "Copy BBcode"
  6. Go to the forum in your textbox, paste that code in the textbox directly (do not click any image icon beforehand).
  7. Add the text you want to or make the same procedure for a second image below the first one
  8. Click on "post reply"






please read here:

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