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Interpolation when scanning


I have noticed that when using my elderly CanoScan D2400U in film scanning mode for scanning medium format transparencies (I have a Minolta film scanner for 35 mm) the grain is accentuated. The scan itself is not too bad all things considered. I have read that the scanning process can cause the grain to be interpolated up which is obviously a bit of a pain. I have not noticed the problem so much with negatives.
I wondered if anyone else had noticed this and apart from buying a new scanner if there is any way around it. Also if the Epson V750 does this.
G'Day John:

I'm not familar with your CanoScan, so I have no reference point specifically. I guess you have already recalibrated your scanner, or at least have checked the set up etc. and made sure that any levels and curves pre-sets are still at your preferred settings. Also, check and uncheck any sharpening instruction in the scan. One thing I find useful at times to <check> on my scanner workflow is to also scan as a 'negative' and invert it once you are in Photoshop or whatever you use.

I can, however, speak for the Epson V750M. I have always been extremely happy with the results. Although, much to my dismay, I still find that rubbish in = rubbish out ;-( . I also use the bundled Silverfast Ai6 software and this is very good at setting up the scanner to get the absolute most information from the negative/positive before it arrives directly into Photoshop. I think that for MF and LF films, the V750M is the poor man's drum scanner. (It does a 4 star job on 35mm, but I think you can get 5 star results from a dedicated 35mm scanner.)

No doubt, someone else here will have experience with your Scanner and will give you a much more helpful reply!!

Good luck,


PS The MF strip holder for the 750 is not so great, but there is an excellent custom design worth the investment at betterscanning dot com. (I have no association except as a customer). Wayne Fulton also has some good reading at scantips dot com.
Hi Colin,

Thanks very much for your reply. I have just checked and I do have sharpening switched off so it's not that, which is a pity really as it would have been a nice easy solution. I don't usually use any of the other settings as I prefer to change things in Photoshop.

I think I will have to get the Epson. It sounds really good and I could keep my Minolta Dimage Scan Elite 5400 for 35mm. I will have a look at betterscanning dot com - thanks for that.

Have you tried the wet scanning process with the Epson? It sounds a bit messy and long winded to me.

Also is it fairly quick? This seems to be one of the bugbears of scanning, that it takes so long unless you spend thousands on an Imacon.


Hi John:

I think you will find the info at scantips dotcom quite interesting too. You may already know how many of the 'gurus' suggest getting the maximum information from the neg/pos in the scan phase. I have had the best success following that workflow, even to the extent that when the file arrives in PS, it looks flat and pathetic even high key ... but that's because there is some much detail showing up in the shadows etc. I keep it in 16 bits, too, as long as I can, and I avoid any crop, set image size, spotting and sharpen and 8 bits until the end. But we each have discovered what suits us best, so this is just my opinion. Have you seen George DeWolfe's book?

About the fluid mounting. Well, the aztek dot com people supply all the kit you need, for not a lot of money. As far as I know, you only use it for BW (at least, that's what I do) and it is fairly magic at making scratches and marks go away. It is not the old 'oil' but a newer product which pretty much is dry once you lift it off the scanner and get the negfile ready. But I have to say that the custom holder which cl&s the film flat does the job for most curly film, and the Scan-ability of the 750M is really good. The file sizes for 6x6 and 6x7 scanned at 600 dpi and up is pretty mind boggling. I get some nice 13x19 prints (R2400).

I'll watch the forum with interest.

BTW, if you check out shutterbug dotcom, (an excellent site) the archives have good reviews for the V750M. Hey, there are other great flatbeds out there in the price range, but I have never had one day of regret.


Thanks Colin,
That's very interesting and helpful. I had a look at Shutterbug and the review of the V750. I've signed up for their newsletter. The review was pretty impressive and the fluid mount process did not seem as daunting as I thought it would be.
Thanks also for the scantips information. I am reading that now. I hadn't heard of the book you mentioned but I'll have a look for it.
Hi John:

Happy to put in my two cents worth!

My move from analogue to digital has not been without pain and frustration. And although I enjoy learning something new, I don't like re-learning something new. So, in my private organisation (workflow) I am still not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, with the result that I have more than once had to take a step back and find my way again. Grrr!

Although I do use a Leica Digital (DLux) pocket camera which gives me nice RAW images, my main use is still MF B&W negative media, scanned to about 18"x18" maximum at high resolution (600 dpi "ppi" as a minimum). Of course this produces a huge file, so I have a Firewire External HD to hold these, and I backup to DVD.

I think it funny that even if I enlarged from table to floor in my old wet darkroom to get a BIG print, (I have actually painted paper with developer using a 4" paintbrush!!) I never had to make my darkroom bigger, nor my filing cabinet bigger. Same old space.

Now, every time I turn around I need more "power". For the present, at least, I see myself using MF film, going as far as a contact sheet, then being very selective with my negative choices for scanning and printing. But having said that, I am happy to have a digital darkroom. By the way, I have tried shooting color negative then desaturating, but I find I definitely get more tonal information (naturally) in the Ilford Delta 100 Pro. Sharp and contrasty!

OK, I'm definitely 'off topic' so I'll quit.

Good luck. If you do get the V750 let me know how you find it.


Hi Colin,

I had to give up my darkroom unfortunately as it was in an outhouse and the spiders and dust got the better of me. It is something I would love to reinstate sometime though. I never got as far as painting paper with developer but I did project the enlarger on to the stone floor to get a large image and cropped a detail from that to a 10 x 8.

I have just bought Photoshop Elements 5 and am trying to get to grips with it. I have read that it allows punchy black and white conversions very simply! If I can work out how to use it properly, I think it may give all I need and still be £500 cheaper than than CS3 when it comes out.

It is because I wanted to dust off my Mamiya 6 in this digital age that I wanted to scan both new pictures from it and my archive that made me try scanning on my CanoScan but I don't think it is up to it. The Mamiya also does panoramic on 35mm film and I want to scan those too. I am definitely interested in the Epson and will let you know how it goes.


Okey Dokey John!

Elements 5 is good, and about all you need for photography purposes. This v5 version is way ahead of 3, which is what I started with, before I made the jump to PS (for other needs).

Just for the heck of it, also have a look at Lightzone. Designed for photography, especially Zone users.

Your Mamiya 6 is a fine camera with a great lens.


I hadn't heard of Lightzone but I have looked it up and it certainly looks interesting. Thanks, I will consider that.

I love my Mamiya 6. I have two bodies and the three lenses which were available for it plus the panoramic adapter. It is interesting that you hardly ever see them for sale. I reckon that people are hanging on to them. I like the square format too.
If I get the Epson (and Lightzone!) I will let you know.
Best wishes,