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Announcement Photokina Live Blog and Interviews


Dear members,

next week is Photokina time. Photokina is the biggest photo fair in the world. Every two years, always in September in Cologne, Germany.

l visited the Photokina each time since 2002. Same as last year, I will try to give you a quick overview of what is happening live.

I will try to schedule an interview with Hasselblad, if the time permits it.

In case that will happen, I would like to hear from you, what you have in mind, in which questions and answers are you most interested in etc.

For these interviews I have as usual an extra email address. So you are inkognito. Feel free to send me your questions to:

If you would like also to know something specific from Fujifilm or other brands, just add that in that email too. I will see what I can do for you. But I can not promise anything, of course.

So stay tuned for the live blog and further information.

If one of you is at the Photokina too, feel free to send me a PM and we might be able to meet there. Would be fun.
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