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why I want to add medium format


New Member
I bought my first SRL when I was 21. I switched to DSRL only five years ago, attached like I was to my good old Canon AT-1. Now, my Nikon D70s needs replacement. Of course, commercially it would be wise to upgrade to a more professional DSRL. But the problem is.. I don't see the improvement in an artistic way. Actually, I have not made many pictures lately that really made me happy. Photographers block, as you wish ;-)
Being an artist, these dips are inevitable, but should not last too long. I experimented with al sorts of things in Photoshop nut that did not make my heart beat any faster. So i picked up painting again, just to get my mind off 'what to shoot to surprise myself, not repeating old tricks'. It just so happened my canvasses were all squares. And there you had it. No move forward to better digital gear, but a step 'backwards', to 6x6 analogue photography. Last week I held the 501CM which I'm hoping to buy soon. My heart skipped a beat and my husband told me he saw 'it' happen again: me kind of becoming one with a camera. I want to make square pictures! A completely new way of making compositions plus the ability to enlarge to formats like 150x150 cm or even bigger (which has been impossible for years with my Nikon D70s). All in all.. I can't wait!
I bought my first SRL when I was 21. I switched to DSRL only five years ago, attached like I was to my good old Canon AT-1. Now, my Nikon D70s needs replacement. Of course, commercially it would be wise to upgrade to a more professional DSRL. But the problem is.. I don't see the improvement in an artistic way. Actually, I have not made many pictures lately that really made me happy. Photographers block, as you wish ;-)
Being an artist, these dips are inevitable, but should not last too long. I experimented with al sorts of things in Photoshop nut that did not make my heart beat any faster. So i picked up painting again, just to get my mind off 'what to shoot to surprise myself, not repeating old tricks'. It just so happened my canvasses were all squares. And there you had it. No move forward to better digital gear, but a step 'backwards', to 6x6 analogue photography. Last week I held the 501CM which I'm hoping to buy soon. My heart skipped a beat and my husband told me he saw 'it' happen again: me kind of becoming one with a camera. I want to make square pictures! A completely new way of making compositions plus the ability to enlarge to formats like 150x150 cm or even bigger (which has been impossible for years with my Nikon D70s). All in all.. I can't wait!

HannekTT. This is a big leap and i don't think you should think twice and wait for someone's help to push you to get in there. Do it and there is no risk but you have to bear in mind to combine in to digital is costly but it is worthwhile.

Good luck then and enjoy seeing the world in 6x6!
And I add that composing in square format is not for lazy ones! It requires to "think" pictures before shooting them, much more IMHO that it happens with rectangular shape... but the impact of a well composed square print is strong; and what kind of satifaction in observing and showing around a nice 20x20 print got without any wasting of the "airy" surface of a 6x6 negative, particularly if it shows the real power of a CZ lens!
Enjoy your "thinked about" square print, while your neighbour with his digital camera is wondering which of his 200 point-and-shoot he has to save!

Cordially Ale