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2nd Roll of Film


New Member
This was taken with a Hasselblad 500 C/M on Kodak Portra 160 VC. Lens was 50mm f/4.0. Settings were: f/5.6, ISO rated at 100, and 1/125". The color negative was scanned in on a Canon 9000f using Adobe Photoshop Elements 8 at 2400 dpi (~80 mb). I have applied sharpening via post processing. This is a first edit. I still need to make additional adjustments - straighten, cropping, etc. Please let me know what you think.


This was taken with a Hasselblad 500 C/M on Kodak Portra 160 VC. Lens was 30mm f/4.0 fisheye. Settings were: f/4.0, ISO rated at 100, and Shutter of 4.5 hours. The color negative was scanned in on a Canon 9000f using Adobe Photoshop Elements 8 at 2400 dpi (~80 mb). I have applied sharpening via post processing. This is a first edit. I still need to make additional adjustments - straighten, cropping, etc. Please let me know what you think.


Hope you like them. Please tell me what you think. And I know, I need to straighten the orange building. This is an initial scan and I'm really excited about this new camera.
Hello Doctor,

I like the first one, nice use of long exposure.

The scond image could do with some cropping to lift some of the details for a more exciting compostion.
Hello Doctor,

I like the first one, nice use of long exposure.

The scond image could do with some cropping to lift some of the details for a more exciting compostion.

Thanks for the comments. I agree, the building shot could benefit a lot from cropping and straightening. My experience with Photoshop is limited, but do you have any recommendations for how to bring up the building in the upper left hand corner?

A simple crop still shows slanting in the roof - I believe the street slanted just enough and me shooting handheld made the composition poor at best. I was hoping Photoshop could help me straighten the building prior to cropping. Maybe use PT Lens plug-in to correct for any distortion or barrel effects?

It is not so much distortion caused by the lens but perspective effect that causes the roof line problem.

I was thinking more of using (part of) the emergency stairs against the coloured wall as subject.
I like the first one. The orange colour makes it impressiv. The compostion is good in my opinion, the rows of windows and the staircase are a nice combination of lines and plains framed by the orange.
I think also, that cropping the part of the sky would be a benefit and would calm the picture.
