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Cape Byron Lighthouse


Is there some way link a photo from my album into here or at least point to it, seems a waste of space to upload it twice - anyone?

Today is my fortnightly day off (I work 9 days) and I had decided I would go and photograph dawn at Cape Byron.

I woke up nice and early (3.15) and it was pouring rain. I lay in my nice cosy bed with my Siamese cat and pondering if all photographers, and me in particular, were nuts. Anyway, I finally decided that (a) dark clouds behind the lighthouse would be better than sunny blue, and (b) I might get some nice rays.



  • BBL#1-CF029806.jpg
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  • BBL#1-CF029806.jpg
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Wonderful image Odille....and a great story! 3am....holy cow, I only get up that early for star gazing....and not that often. :)

Is there some way link a photo from my album into here or at least point to it, seems a waste of space to upload it twice - anyone?

Feel free to upload twice. A good image deserves that, no problem
If I am not mistaken the file is only stored once and made available for two posts.
Need to check that.

The other possibility: simply copy the url of the thread and mention the posts number to see the image.

The Cape

Hi Analog(ue)!

It is nice to see the Cape, as I am not currently living up there, but was for more than 10 years until very recently. Lastly in Mullum. Somewhat sadly, I am living on the mid north coast now, although the spot is nice.

I am a pretty long lapsed member here, but hope to drop in more often now. So hi to any old timers, too.

PS for people OS: Cape Byron is the most easterly point on the Australian mainland. Spectacular coast and sea, including migratory whales that pass close enough to hear them breathe.


A couple of us are meeting up there again on next Monday morning, at 4.30am, then going on for a day of photography round the district. You are welcome to join us if you could make it. Or anyone else from this forum who might like to tag along, of course.

Cheers, Odille
Cape Byron is the most easterly point on the Australian mainland. Spectacular coast and sea, including migratory whales that pass close enough to hear them breathe.


Sounds like the place to be.
Thanks Nick.
Too far...

Hi Odille

Sadly, I can't make it - it's nearly 6 hours away now.

Have a good day anyway.
