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Coolscan no good ?


---I'm sorry I couldn't read all the previous responses-----

I have used nikon coolscan, imacon flextight and also a CFV (digital back) all with 500cm and now 503cw.

There is nothing like the imacon scanner, this is the best quality (specially if you like the work of those photographers you mentioned - like alec soth)
there is a reason why this guys keep shooting film... and if they don't they do it for the sake of it, for purposes different to quality, they use digital only for conceptual reasons.

now for commercial stuff obviously a digital solution is best suited....

now the nikon scanner is a NO NO, only usable for amateur and personal proofing/archiving, nothing else... this by no means will give you publication quality/ exhibition quality.

- quality is subjective isn't? :D

to conclude my rambling i would say that if you like film, you will not get that quality out of digital, get an imacon scanner :D

If I had to rate in order of preference which system I will use (minding only about 'subjective' image quality, and not taking into consideration Large format film) I would say:

6x6 film - 100%
35mm film - 50%
CFV - 30%
Digital SLR - 10%
It is interesting what you say about the Coolscan 9000ED vs. the Imacon. I'm guessing the Imacon is an absolute dream compared but, as always, there is the law of diminishing returns in terms of cost.

The biggest problem I have with the Coolscan is that it is totally useless with the orange base of colour neg. The grain is crazy compared to when scanning trannies, which is why I haven't bothered too much with neg over the last few years.

I'm really looking forward to getting some test scans back from my friends Imacon. Any ideas on what model to look out for if I consider buying one myself if I don't go down the digi route?

---I'm sorry I couldn't read all the previous responses-----

I have used nikon coolscan, imacon flextight and also a CFV (digital back) all with 500cm and now 503cw.

There is nothing like the imacon scanner, this is the best quality (specially if you like the work of those photographers you mentioned - like alec soth)
there is a reason why this guys keep shooting film... and if they don't they do it for the sake of it, for purposes different to quality, they use digital only for conceptual reasons.

now for commercial stuff obviously a digital solution is best suited....

now the nikon scanner is a NO NO, only usable for amateur and personal proofing/archiving, nothing else... this by no means will give you publication quality/ exhibition quality.

- quality is subjective isn't? :D

to conclude my rambling i would say that if you like film, you will not get that quality out of digital, get an imacon scanner :D

If I had to rate in order of preference which system I will use (minding only about 'subjective' image quality, and not taking into consideration Large format film) I would say:

6x6 film - 100%
35mm film - 50%
CFV - 30%
Digital SLR - 10%
I've been using the Coolscan scanner for years, very heavily, with the anti newton glass carriers. I use Vuescan Professional version with a fully colour managed workflow and I've run extensive tests. I just can't get acceptable scans from colour neg. The digital noise the scanner introduces accentuates the grain, especially in the highlights. With trannie it is okay because the grain is mainly hidden in the dense shadows. Multi pass scanning does wonders but not enough, plus it takes ages.
Don't get me wrong, I would recommend the 9000/8000 to a friend but I'm still curious as to how the Imacon compares when scanning negs.
The Coolscan problems will be over soon as there will be no more Coolscans from Nikon.
They have stopped production.
Only new gear from older production is available now.
Has Nikon made an official statement regarding this?

The Coolscan problems will be over soon as there will be no more Coolscans from Nikon.
They have stopped production.
Only new gear from older production is available now.
The information comes from a large dealer.
I do not know if Nikon has announced the end of production yet.
why is this a new thread?

sorry I don't know how this whole ended up being a new thread. I was supposed to be replying to another scanner thread.. hence my 'sorry for not reading all the replies' intro

weird.. also i don't remember adding that subject line: 'coolscan no good?'

anyway.. yes everything has to be put into perspective.. so the coolscan is good for most normal use, and is better (but maybe not worth the extra money) than a flatbed scanner.. what i tried to say was that the imacon line is in another level...

and is better than shooting digital medium format
Can someone point me in the right direction to find info / resources about the different models of Imacon scanners? All I can find is little blurbs about the Hasselblad X1 and 2. I'd be interested in buying used but don't know what the difference is between models and when each model was in production etc.
