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My First Shots


New Member
Here are 4 shots from my first ever roll of film on the Hassey 500c. first time loading film and winding too. focusing is so tough!!! i will work harder at it. also, first time with light reader. :z04:
development was clear, the scanner is dirty. used Iilford asa 400






Here are 4 shots from my first ever roll of film on the Hassey 500c. first time loading film and winding too. focusing is so tough!!! i will work harder at it.

Your camera in all likelihood has the original focusing screen. That one is dim and difficult to focus at the best of times (OK, a sunlit desert will work). Does the screen have a black painted cross hair in the center ? If yes -> original screen.

My guess is the camera is a 500C making it more than likely this camera has a focusing screen from the first generation.
The difference between C and CM bodies is the possibility to change screens in a CM body.
It can be done with a C body as well but needs to be done by a technician.
With the 500CM screens can be changed by the user.
My guess is the camera is a 500C making it more than likely this camera has a focusing screen from the first generation.
The difference between C and CM bodies is the possibility to change screens in a CM body.
It can be done with a C body as well but needs to be done by a technician.
With the 500CM screens can be changed by the user.

And you need a brave technician willing to get the screen out of its metal frame (the 500C/M) uses metal framed screens).

I don't think a non-framed AcuteMatte (that is the bright screen we are talking about) was ever available as an option for 500C upgrades.
