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Trying to decide on three lens setup...

X2D size, meh. I shoot a lot with M body Leicas. I also have a Sony A7 DSLR and the tiny Pixii A2572. The X2D size and weight have never been a problem for me. The ergonomics of the camera make it a joy to handle and shoot with. The images will please. They amaze me. The HB color science is so very good and the sensor delivers such great detail without making your eyes bleed. Portraits are detailed but still flattering. Magic.

Lenses. I have just the XCD 55V. It is about a 35mm format 40mm lens equivalent. It works just fine for me. Tele? You can crop these images a lot if you want to get in close without dropping the big bucks for the 90V. I can understand why HB released the X2D with the XCD 55V first, it is a great all-around lens. And as an amateur none of this can be justified other than it is a hobby you enjoy. After all, you can't spend all your money on loose women, strong drink and black cigars can you?
I’m SO tempted to get the 90v now that’s it’s started to ship. I’ve already got the 38v and 55v. As an amateur, I can’t readily justify it though.
i do love these lenses. One thing though that I don’t like is that when the X2D is set to manual focus, you can press the AF-D to initiate focus then rotate the focus ring in the lens to fine tune. When you shift the lens ring to go to manual focus, it disables this button. Such a shame. But whatever. I’ll get used to it
The 55v is wonderful for environmental and 3/4 body portraits, but for head and shoulder shots the 80mm f1.9 excels - as would the 90v.