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I just talked directly with the head of the M1 development team, Parker Plaisted. He told me that there is NO Digital Ice included with any versions of the M1 scanner. He does not know what may or may not be included in the EU F1 version.
Hi Richard,

If the two scanners are basically the same (except for the inclusion or exclusion of DigitalICE purportedly, why would the "head of the M1 development team" be different than the head of the F1 development team? Or, are they they same?

But, the US website ( lists the M1, and doesn't show DigitalICE as one of the features. And, the European website ( lists the F1, and it does come with DigitalICE as part of "PictuRescue photo reconstruction and restoration system". The M1 does not list "PictuRescue" as being included.

Perhaps it's just a matter of software? It would be interesting to try the PictuRescue on an M1 and see what it does about DigitalICE.


Hi Guys,

Don't kill the messenger. Parker would know.... Feel free to contact him at Microtek. He is not hard to reach and is a nice guy. Differences in software packages might be the result of license agreements in USA & EU... but he was sure about the USA. NO Digital Ice on ANY version of the M1.

Sorry Richard,

Not meaning to shoot you!
Just incredulous.

That's a raw deal for M1 customers. I thought ICE was part of the hardware but on reading up, it seems it is a software procedure so maybe Parker wouldn't have been involved in the software side.

Soooo the question rely are about if the M1 is capable to deliver the infrared channel required for ICE software?

Or is there rely a hardware difference between M1 and F1 !!

Interesting question Stefan. I wonder if anyone knows the answers or can squeeze them out of Microtek. I find that they are very reluctant to reply to emails.

It seems we are lucky in the European version alhtough I think it is much more expensive.

According to:

"M1 does not do infrared scanning. Infrared scanning is essential for tools like Kodak's Digital ICE and SilverFast's iSDR (infrared Software Removal of Defects). The infrared scan provides a picture of the physical imperfections on the emulsion, which is then used to create a mask. That's also why it doesn't work with black and white film, whose emulsion does not have a uniform surface.

Interestingly enough, the Microtek ArtixScan F1, which is not sold in North America, does include infrared scanning and Digital ICE. Licensing issues prevented the inclusion of the technology on the M1, sold in North America."
Thanks Stefan,

That's interesting.

I wonder what the licensing issues were that they could provide infra red scanning and ICE in Europe but not USA.
Hi folks
I just wondered if Jurgen or any other early adopters of the M1/F1 have had chance to make further scans and have any new views/feedback on the scan quality?

There still seems to be precious little information about the scanner's performance on the web. The shots posted on imaging resource looked rather unimpressive, especially when compared to the scans posted here. It's all very confusing!!

It would be great to get some feedback whether the scanner beats the Epson V700/750 or even the Nikon ls-9000.

Any feedback much appreciated!

I wonder what the licensing issues were that they could provide infra red scanning and ICE in Europe but not USA.

It might be price pressure. The American market is very price-sensitive, and coming in above certain price points might be mass-market suicide, even at the cost of leaving out some features. Few people know the difference anyway. I am surprised that they don't at least offer a high-end version, equal to the F1.
Hello to all in North America that are interested in Microtek Scanners. This COULD possibly spread to the rest of the world.

Microtek has announced that they have stopped selling Microtek Scanners in the North American market. Rather than try to quote the press release, if you are interested you may find it at the microtekusa website. Don't forget to add the .com. I am posting this info this way in order to meet the forums rules regarding no links.


Hello Don,

It is not as bad as it looks as far as links are concerned.
The forum prefers images to be uploaded in stead of linked to pages at other servers.
The reason is to prevent holes in the forum that will arise as soon as the pages that carry these images are no longer available.
Any links to news like what is happening at Microtek Corporation are quite welcome.

I hope this clarifies the forums position about linking.

