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Hasselblad digital camera question


New Member
Hello colleagues
I want to ask you question about upgrade.
Currently I'm using DSLR's for my product/portraits photography, mainly Nikon D850 having 45mp very nice files (I have many cameras but this one is the one I tend to shoot most of products/architecture stuff)
I have all the Nikon PC-e lenses, except the 21mm. But I do have the Canon 17mm ts-e(along Canon 1D X III), so I'm pretty covered in terms of tilt shift lenses.

I want to know your opinion about upgrade. Let's say I want to get more details and a little different "look" (because of the bigger sensor) or something that is more than my current setup.
I'm thinking of buying used H5D-50C/ H5D-50/60 or H6d-50.

Do you think it's a good idea?
How much of an improvement it will be compared to my current files?
Will the image quality be better color-wise?
What specific considerations I have to think about when thinking if to go that route or not?

I must say that, as you assume it's only for me, not for the clients, that have no clue even if shoot on 20mp sensor of my D5 or on 45mp D850 DSLR sensor or medium format sensor.
Also I must say that currently I'm also doing architectrure, products, portraits and also other type of photography, so my income is only partly coming from products, but I do want to get to the next level of quality of my images, and camera system partly has also some influence on it(of course the pohotographer's skills and mind is first, but the question is purely technical)
Additional questions I forgot to ak
Any other thing will be better?
Usually- on average, how much the shutter actuation it goes until you have to change the shutter? Is 50k or 100k or 150k is OK for second hand and there is still life in it?
Will smaller Cmos or bigger CCD make the difference if I'm shooting product/portrait in studio?
What will be worse? (except AF)

Can I use Firewire 800 to thunderbolt adapter cable without any problems while tethering?

I have all current tilt shift lenses, but will it be better to use Hasselblads T/S 1.5 adapter with HC lenses or better to stay with my PC-E lenses? Any advantages using such a setup?
The H5D and the H6D are out of production .
As you mentioned these two cameras , I assume you are looking for a second hand buy . That requires also new lenses .
Why not looking for a good used HB X1D then . This camera has 50MP and is very handy , much more than any H-System camera .
XCD lenses for the X1D/X2D are also very good , but I don't know about the prices in the used market .
You should first clarify your budget , that would help to know what to go for .
Thanks, I thought of H5D-50C as it costs 2500-5000$ on used market, same price as used X1D.
What are the advantages of X1D? And then, why not a cheaper Fuji GFX 50 S?
I kow that X1D lenses have some limitations in terms of minimum shutter speed, that's why I thought H system is better with it's lenses in that regard, and also it allows to use HTC 1.5 shift adapter (I don't think I can with X1D) so it's more versatile.
Thanks, I thought of H5D-50C as it costs 2500-5000$ on used market, same price as used X1D.
What are the advantages of X1D? And then, why not a cheaper Fuji GFX 50 S?
I kow that X1D lenses have some limitations in terms of minimum shutter speed, that's why I thought H system is better with it's lenses in that regard, and also it allows to use HTC 1.5 shift adapter (I don't think I can with X1D) so it's more versatile.
and the bigger sensor might get more interesting "look" I assume
Only you can know the requirements you have , as you did not mention that in your post .
Therefore the suggestions I made are based more or less on my feelings .
Only you can know the requirements you have , as you did not mention that in your post .
Therefore the suggestions I made are based more or less on my feelings .
I did mention the requirements in the second paragraph in the first place.
I had a Hasselblad H4d-60 until about 6 months ago - I sold it to a portrait photographer when I bought a used H6d-100c from a landscape photographer.
I sold it and a lens for the higher end what you are looking to spend.
The H4d-60 is a great studio camera - the CCD has great color.
It's 60mp sensor surface area (same as the H6d-100c) is about 1/3 larger than the Hasselblad 50c or X1d or the Fuji
I feel the larger sensor does make a difference - some people don't think so, but I doubt they have owned one.
Used lenses, while not exactly cheap are affordable and plentiful and all are excellent quality.
The main advantage of the X1d and Fuji is portability. I almost always had the H4d on a tripod, although it is by no means a requirement, just personal preference.
I also have the HTC 1.5 shift adapter and it is a good solution for what it does, but it is somewhat expensive.
But also remember, the backs are removable and with an inexpensive adapter you can put them on view cameras.
I consider my H6d-100c the best camera I have ever used, although well beyond your budget.
I think a H4d-60 or H5d-60 would be a great choice for your budget.
thank you Richard
So if I want to get more details and DR, better IQ, which one is a better option to go
Versatile systems like old H4D-60 or newer H5D-60
or newer X1D II with crop sensor.
I do want to get a significantly different "look", so maybe the IQ of X1D is the best among them in terms of DR and ISO and bulkyness, but I assume that bigger sensor look will be significantly different.
I do not have a X1d, so I can not give you a side by side comparison, I can only share you my experience with what I have used. I can only tell you why I chose what I did and that I was happy with it.
Personally, I place the look of an image above technical specifications.
I do not have a X1d, so I can not give you a side by side comparison, I can only share you my experience with what I have used. I can only tell you why I chose what I did and that I was happy with it.
Personally, I place the look of an image above technical specifications.
What are you shooting, product and portraits? Studio?
I got your point, the H4D-60 and H5d-60 are the sensors that are better for products?
And do you think it's better to go for bigger CCD sensor like 60 with less DR or go with cropped one CMOS like 50c but with more DR? (for any technical photography)
Do HC and HCD lenses are still valid and reliable options as used lens?
It depends on what you need - I can't answer for you.
If you want the best of both get a H6d-100c or a Phase One.

Used HC lenses have the same problems as any used lenses - have the seller check the shutter count.
If the shutter fails, it will cost about $1800 to replace from Hasselblad (but you'll get a new warranty).
If the autofocus fails, about $400 if it's a worn gear (most likely).
They are supposed to be good for 150k (I think - I don't remember exactly - it's a big number)
But I did have a 100mm where the diaphragm started getting erratic that had only 80,000.
Otherwise I've had no problems, but I don't shoot thousands.
It depends on what you need - I can't answer for you.
If you want the best of both get a H6d-100c or a Phase One.

Used HC lenses have the same problems as any used lenses - have the seller check the shutter count.
If the shutter fails, it will cost about $1800 to replace from Hasselblad (but you'll get a new warranty).
If the autofocus fails, about $400 if it's a worn gear (most likely).
They are supposed to be good for 150k (I think - I don't remember exactly - it's a big number)
But I did have a 100mm where the diaphragm started getting erratic that had only 80,000.
Otherwise I've had no problems, but I don't shoot thousands.
What about XF camera with IQ 60 back, is it worth investing in it today? I see that it's DR is even lower almost 2 stops that my Nikon D850. So if the better details worth buying it?
Also, does the Digital Back actuations count matter? and does XF focal plane shutter actuations matter? if any of them matters, how much it's considered good enough for second hand?
I don't have any experience with XF cameras.
As far as DR, you would have to shoot tests with the equipment to see how it would work for your use.
I don't think digital back actuations matter, other that being a gauge on how much the equipment has been used.
I think shutter actuations would matter - most manufactures list expected shutter life counts for their different models.
It would also act as a guide as to the general wear ant tear on the equipment as well. It should definitely be taken into account when comparing prices. Personally I would avoid anything more that 1/2 into it's expected life, but your tolerance may differ. I would imagine that replacing a shutter in a camera body would be very expensive, but I don't have any experience. Also check the serial numbers to compare the dates of manufacture for cameras and lenses.
Oh, I saw today that Hasselblad announced that H system lineup is discounted, big sad news for H users. So, I'm afraid they will also stop servicing H systems anymore.
It’s out of your budget NOW but maybe in a year you could consider the X2D which has the 100mp sensor and wonderful detail and colour.
It’s out of your budget NOW but maybe in a year you could consider the X2D which has the 100mp sensor and wonderful detail and colour.
Yes, you are right. Still debating. But there I have a cheaper cropped fuji gfx 100s. So why to go to X2D?
Also, what about bigger sensor "look" that I will not get from these cropped sensors? Isn't it better to invest now in Phase one XF with IQ1 60 or Hasselblad H5D-50/60? and get maybe less mp but to get more details? and less IQ? Hard to decide as all those used cameras sell for roughly same money, so I have to think, which factor will determine.
As I said, currently using 45mp full frame DSLR, so looking for bigger difference if I'm buying into it. 100mp of copped sensor with it's advantages and limitations vs bigger size sensor with less MP but maybe less details and less DR for sure as the newer sensors are CMOS.
Thank you again for your input
So X2D don't have live view as I understand, so no good for product photography.
I think Fuji GFX 100 S with live view and 100mp and not so expensive lenses is a good option for me, but it's a cropped sensor, and I do want to get significantly different look than my full frame D850.